Specialist in Issues of Midlife & Older Adults

Is Marin the New Boca or Scottsdale?


Marin County is the oldest county, population-wise, in California. It is also the fastest aging county in the state.


  • Currently 1 in 4 people in Marin are 60 years old or older.


  • In about 15 years, it is projected that 1 in 3 people will be 60 or older.


  • The change in 60+ population from 2000 to 2010 has been a 41% increase.


  • The projected change in 60+ population from 2010 to 2020 will be another 27%.


  • The median age in Marin is 45; in Boca Raton it is 43. In Scottsdale, the US city with the oldest median age, it’s 46.


  • In 11 areas in Marin, the average age is 51. Dillon Beach has the oldest median age at 58 years old.


The myth is that everybody in Marin is wealthy and well taken care of. This is not true. Many thousands of people in Marin live below the Federal Poverty Level and many more below the Adjusted Elder Index.


Many older people in Marin moved here and bought their homes many years ago when real estate was affordable. Now, they are “house rich and cash poor”. Some choose to sell their homes and move to new, more affordable locations. Some who love their communities in Marin, opt to stay and, if they reject reverse mortgages, are struggling to have enough money for food and medications.


The “silver tsunami” has arrived and is growing larger in Marin. Here is a link to the disturbing Marin County Grand Jury report from 5 years ago that accurately predicted what we see happening now. Aging in Marin – An Essay in Uneasiness .

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