"Navigating the Territory of Older Age" Discussion Series Begins Sept. 18 - Nancy Rhine, MS, LMFT, CPG
Specialist in Issues of Midlife & Older Adults

“Navigating the Territory of Older Age” Discussion Series Begins Sept. 18

“Navigating the Territory of Older Age” Discussion Series Begins on Sept. 18


In ancient times, mapmakers fearfully labeled unknown areas of their world “Here Be Dragons”.  Less anxious mapmakers labeled those same unexplored areas “Terra Incognita”, i.e. “unknown land”.


For many of us, the territory of older age looms as “here be dragons”, probably largely due to our lives in an ageist, uninformed and thus fearful culture. Certainly we know there are many challenges in older life but there are also many opportunities, openings and blessings. As we walk through our older years, we can explore life with an acknowledgement that our journey is indeed through “terra incognita” and yet, at the same time, holding on to a vibrant spirit of adventure.


On September 18th, my friend and colleague Nan Heflin, MA, MFT and I will begin a 5 week seriesof “Tuesday Evening Discussions” focused on issues of interest to midlife and older individuals and families. Our discussions will be held in the lovely library at the Interfaith Counseling Center inSan Anselmo.


We will discuss “Navigating the Territory of Older Age” – topics may include subjects such as the following, depending upon the particular interests of the participants:


  • Adapting our living environments to meet a changing lifestyle – what are some traditional and newly evolving choices?
  • Becoming a passenger after years of driving – what are some options in Marin?
  • Learning about age-related memory change – how to support a healthy brain


Participants are encouraged to bring questions related to the ever-shifting terrain of older age, e.g. physical and emotional health, family relationships, societal roles, spirituality, and finding meaning and enjoyment in the second half of life.


The first evening discussion is FREE. The following 4 Tuesday evenings are $35/evening.Time is 6-7:30PM.


Space is limited. For enrollment or more information, please call Nancy at 415-378-6577 or send email to nancyrhine@aol.com  .



Nan Heflin, MA, LMFT has over 25 years experience specializing in issues of aging and mental health, working with older adults and their families. She is a coordinator of Marin County’s renowned Senior Peer Counseling Program, has conducted workshops in Aging and Mental Health throughout the Bay Area, facilitates support groups for the Alzheimer’s Association and maintains a private practice. Nancy Rhine, MS, LMFT has served older adults and their families for the past decade in Marin County as a hospice volunteer, care manager, educator and counselor. She is a former Commissioner on the Marin County Commission on Aging and sees clients in her office and in homes throughout southern Marin.



“Tuesday Evening Discussions” 

September 18, 6-7:30PM and the following 4 Tuesday Evenings

*Interfaith Counseling Center

15 Austin Avenue

San Anselmo, CA


*Wheelchair accessible. Plenty of street parking available.