Couples Counseling for Older Adults - Nancy Rhine, MS, LMFT, CPG
Specialist in Issues of Midlife & Older Adults

Couples Counseling for Older Adults

Couples Counseling for Older Adults


A recent article called “Don’t Give Up on Marital Therapy” from the New Old Age blog of the New York Times speaks to the importance of couples counseling for older individuals.


“Marital therapy for individuals over 65 years of age is difficult, since habits of a lifetime are deeply ingrained,” stated a study in The Canadian Journal of Medicine, one of the few in the medical literature about marital therapy among older people.


“Yet, in a sense, marital therapy is more crucial for the elderly than for younger patients,” the study continued. “At a time when they are least adaptable and most vulnerable to stress and are entering perhaps the most difficult period of their lives, the elderly must learn new methods of relating and coping”.

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