The Year Gone By - Nancy Rhine, MS, LMFT, CPG
Specialist in Issues of Midlife & Older Adults

The Year Gone By

I was just checking something on my web page today and noticed again that it’s been a long time since I’ve written in my blog. I knew that but time just kind of slipped away. The counseling practice I do has continued during Covid telehealth times. And it has expanded with me learning more about somatic therapy practices and the weaving of music, art, movement, and meditation into my services in the forms of daylong workshops I lead. I also have trained in and been offering services in preparation for and integration support afterward for individuals and couples taking advantage of the new psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy.

I was honored to be quoted recently by someone I greatly admire – Paula Span – a longtime columnist for the New York Times whose column A New Old Age is something I have read and followed for years. Paula wrote an article recently about the value of rituals and ceremonies in older life – not just birthday parties and memorials – but creative, deeply meaningful celebrations of all sorts. Here is the link to the article called Older Generations are Reclaiming Rites of Passage.

All during this past year and really for many years prior to this I have also been honored to walk alongside and serve the love of my life, my husband Cliff Figallo as he experiences the journey that is Parkinson’s Disease. Cliff is on hospice now and our days together are deeply full and rich with love, challenges, joy, beauty, sorrow, and laughter. 

My family continues to be my source of joy and support with our six local grandchildren always bringing us into the present moment and a sense of wonder and grounding. What a gift they and our children are.

This is my brief check-in. Sending love out far and wide to friends, family, clients, and my fellow explorers of this terra incognita which is our older life.

Love, Nancy