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	<title>aging and memory Archives - Nancy Rhine, MS, LMFT, CPG</title>
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	<description>Specialist in Issues of Midlife &#38; Older Adults</description>
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		<title>Brains of Elders Are So Full That Our Thinking Slows Down</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Nancy Rhine, MS, LMFT]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Sun, 25 Sep 2016 00:32:36 +0000</pubDate>
				<category><![CDATA[Aging and Memory]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[aging and memory]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[cogntive decline]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[memory loss]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://www.nancyrhine.com/?p=2480</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[<p>Instead of thinking that we are not as sharp, cognitively, as we used to be, we should remember what the researchers in this study prove: that we have so much information in our brains as we get older, it&#8217;s like our hard drives are filling up so recall can slow down a bit.  Here&#8217;s the [&#8230;]</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://www.nancyrhine.com/2016/09/24/brains-of-elders-are-so-full-that-our-thinking-slows-down/">Brains of Elders Are So Full That Our Thinking Slows Down</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.nancyrhine.com">Nancy Rhine, MS, LMFT, CPG</a>.</p>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p><span style="font-size: 18px;">Instead of thinking that we are not as sharp, cognitively, as we used to be, we should remember what the researchers in this study prove: that we have so much information in our brains as we get older, it&#8217;s like our hard drives are filling up so recall can slow down a bit. <a href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/10584927/Brains-of-elderly-slow-because-they-know-so-much.html"> Here&#8217;s the full article.</a></span></p>
<div style="width: 630px" class="wp-caption alignnone"><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" src="http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02781/Retirement-Home_2781309b.jpg" alt="" width="620" height="387" /><p class="wp-caption-text">&#8220;Brains of Elderly Slow Because They Know So Much&#8221; &#8211; The Telegraph</p></div>
<p>The post <a href="https://www.nancyrhine.com/2016/09/24/brains-of-elders-are-so-full-that-our-thinking-slows-down/">Brains of Elders Are So Full That Our Thinking Slows Down</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.nancyrhine.com">Nancy Rhine, MS, LMFT, CPG</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">2480</post-id>	</item>