support groups Archives - Nancy Rhine, MS, LMFT, CPG
Specialist in Issues of Midlife & Older Adults

support groups

The Principles & Guidelines of Attitudinal Healing

Here is a link to a site where you read the 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing and the 12 Children’s Principles. Attitudinal Healing was created by Dr Jerry Jampolsky, a Stanford educated child psychiatrist. The Principles emerged out of Dr Jampolsky’s early work with terminally ill children, individually, in groups with the children, and in groups with their parents. The power of choice in even the most challenging circumstances, the power of our minds and our thoughts, our attitudes was something that Dr J saw so clearly and says that the children taught him. He has carried that work started then on to thousands of people in 50 countries around the world.  Here is the link:  http://www.ahinternational.org/about/principles-of-attitudinal-healing  .

Support Groups for Older Adults

There are many wonderful peer support groups for adults in Marin County. Some are targeted towards particular topics, while others are open to any and all of the concerns and interests of older people.

One of the ones I am familiar with and heartily recommend is called “Elders’ Circle”. It is a free, weekly drop-in support group for folks 60 years old and up. The group meets at Whistlestop Senior Center in San Rafael. Elder Circle is facilitated by two wonderful older men Herman Claussen and Steve Olian, both of whom are trained group facilitators with many years of group leadership experience. Both men and women participate in Elders Circle and all newcomers are welcome to talk about any issues at all and to find support and friendship. Elders Circle meets Wednesdays from 10-11:30AM. You can call Whistlestop at 415- 456-9062 for more information.

Another wonderful support group for older folks in Marin is called AgeSong. AgeSong is designed to be a place where men and women 65 and older can meet and discuss “concerns and desires, enlivening the search for deeper joy and satisfaction in our later years.” Topics for discussion include “How Did I Get to Be This Old?”, “Creating a New Old Age”, and “The Courage to Find New Possibilities in the Midst of Loss”. AgeSong meets for 8 weekly sessions, the cost is $80 for sessions, and scholarships are available. For information or to register, you can call AgeSong 415-491-5700, ext. 5726.

Another excellent resource in the North Bay is Senior Spectrum which offers opportunities for LGBT older adult men and women to come together for socializing, support, and community. Senior Spectrum also provides resources and referral as well as education and advocacy. For more information, you can contact Cristin Brew at (415) 472-1945 x203 or email cbrew@SpectrumLGBTCenter.org.